Skilled Handyman Services- a VERY Leaky Toilet Repaired for a Neighbor & Client…

 On Wednesday we got a last minute call from an elderly neighbor & client for our Handyman to inspect and then possibly repair whatever issues that were causing her ONLY toilet in the house to profusly leak alot water all over the floor after every flush.     
It was leaky so much water that it was literally dripping through the bathroom floor into the basement of her building.
So after our Handyman Dave took a good look at the toilet & it’s components, he discovered that there was only a fairly simple fix that was needed.  In addition to having a broken bolt; the wax ring that gaskets the toilet sewer pipe was completely trashed, worn out & broken…  thus, causing an imperfect seal & the water leakage.
So, David quickly gathered the needed parts & supplies- and replaced both the wax ring and BOTH of the bolts on her toilet. 
Now her toilet is working the way it supossed to be!  There’s no longer any water leaking out onto the floor, nor into the basement. 
Additionally, we are also proud to say that we have also saved this client some money by discovering & repairing the REAL issues causing the water leakage!  As a retired homeowner on a fixed income she was very grateful for these savings; because a plumber had given her an incorrect estimate that included the replacement of the entire toilet and it’s components.  She didn’t NEED to replace her toilet- all that was needed was a few parts & supplies that  totaled about $10.00, plus the labor. 
We’re glad to be able to help some of the neediest members of our community!

            《  J.D.I. Services, Inc.  》

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