Road Salt Can Stain, Dull & Damage Hard Surface Flooring & Carpeting; Let Us Handle Your Winter Cleaning!

It’s Winter time again in the Chicagoland area & across the whole Midwest region; which means tons of snow & ice to battle while we go about our everyday tasks.  It’s frustrating enough to have to drive, or attempt to walk in these messy conditions each day only to come home & track in road

Road Salt Stains, Dulls & Damages Hard Surface Flooring & Carpeting; Let Us Handle Your Winter Cleaning!

It’s Winter time in the Chicagoland area & across the whole Midwest region; which means tons of snow & ice to battle while we go about our everyday tasks.  It’s frustrating enough to have to drive, or attempt to walk in these messy conditions each day only to come home & track in road salt