Why an Independent Private Maid is a Better Choice than hiring a 'Conventional Cleaning Company's' Dispatched "Crew Maid(s)" ??

I’m Janina, Chief Cleaning Specialist, Private Maid and Owner of J.DI. Services.  I started this company in mid 2001 after working for a couple years for a conventional cleaning/maid company as a Crew Chief leading several ladies and cleaning residential homes and commercial offices in the Chicago & NW suburban region. It was hard work, for little money and I had NO SAY in how cleanings were to be done or any room for compromise and negotiation with clients; we were forced to follow a strict cleaning regime regardless of what the client REALLY wanted. It was frustrating, and I knew
Every client is different- each of them have different sizes & types of homes, varying budgets, and have unique requirements & specifications.  It makes sense that House Cleaning Services would be “individualized” to accomodate these diverse client factors. But the truth is that a large majority of the “conventional cleaning/maid companies & providers” DO NOT operate this way… but there are some Cleaning industry professionals that will!!
I often hear from clients that have  come to me frustrated, many weeks or sometime months after they’ve gone through several different “conventional cleaning companies’ / providers” and their dispatched “Crew Maids” with whom they were very dissatisfied with. All of these client’s shared very similar complaints regarding the Services they received; and were seeking a better alternative to the poor quality, lazy Cleaning Services these different companies’ / provider’s “Crew Maids” had been providing them… and rightfully so!!
Clients deserve better- a Cleaning Service Provider & industry professional that can provide a thorough, detail oriented Cleaning Service that accommodates each client’s unique Cleaning needs. Many of the clients I’ve had the pleasure of doing business with are looking for someone who’s experienced, thorough, honest and trustworthy; they’re seeking a Cleaning provider that they can trust within their homes, and build a solid- and potentially long-term professional relationship with.
So what are the alternatives available for clients who are NOT willing to settle for mediocre Cleaning Services done by a “conventional companies’ / provider’s” dispatched “Crew Maids”?
An Independent Private Maid & Cleaning Specialist like myself is a better alternative & CAN offer the high-quality, custom-tailored & thorough cleaning service that clients deserve without necessarily breaking the bank.
Why an Independent Private Maid is a Better Choice than Hiring a “Conventional Cleaning Companies’ / Providers’ “Dispatched “Crew Maids” For House Cleanings??
There are several beneficial differences between hiring an ‘Independent Private Maid’ and hiring actual “Cleaning & Maid Services companies / providers” who’s just dispatching crews of “Maids” to client’s homes.
Additionally, there are several client complaints that I’ve heard about the Cleaning Services performed by these “conventional cleaning companies & providers” and their dispatched “Crew Maids”. Every one of these complaints completely contradicts how I, as an Independent Maid operate and provide MY Cleaning Services.
When compared to “Conventional Cleaning Companies / Providers” and their dispatched “Crew Maids”
— both these differences, AND these same client complaints directly shows WHY an Independent Private Maid is different, and the best alternative for clients searching for quality house cleaning services.
The Most Common Client Complaints; and Why An Independent Maid, like Myself is a Better Alternative:
● Almost all these clients shared 3 of the same main complaints about the “Crew Maids” that performed their House Cleaning including:
○》 that they frequently
cut corners to save time, &
clean sloppily.
○》 the quality &
thoroughness of their
cleanings are nothing more
than “motel-style” cleanings
& are NOT thorough at
all- often forcing client’s to
re-clean their homes &
the areas themselves that
these ‘Maids’ supposedly just
○》 the ‘Maids’ won’t
clean specific areas that
is commonly expected
to be cleaned.
■■   As an Independent Private Maid, MY Cleaning/Maid Services are UNLIKE any other Cleaning/Maid Services Compabiea / Providers–
■■》 MY Services are
exclusively custom-
tailored to the specific
needs of each client &
their property.  I DO NOT
cut corners to save time; or
use cleaning “short-cuts” or
just “wipe-down” stuff in
your home- a FULL
cleaning & scrubbing is
performed ON EVERY
■■》 Other Cleaning
companies/providers routinely perform “motel
style cleanings” which are
nothing more than using
moistened paper towels or rags &
just wiping things down-
They will NOT put some muscle behind the task & physically
scrub when it is needed, they
often cut corners and they
look over many other details.
In contrast, I ALWAYS
perform Cleanings the right
way EVERY TIME, taking the time and energy to scrub your tub & shower and other areas of homes that need needs it!
■■》 As an
independent Private Maid I
clean the areas of your home
that most Cleaning companies \ providers
REFUSE TO clean like:
appliance interiors, sills,
under furniture, baseboards,
hanging lights & fixtures,
ceiling fans, the wall & baseboards behind the toilets,and physically scrubbing tubs/showers/toilets, etc.
Other Contradictory Client Complaints About These “Crew Maids” are:
● that there are different ‘Maids’ are showing up to clean their home at each visit- they never really see the same person twice.
■■ MY clients will always see the same face arrive at their home to Service it at each visit; there are no strangers coming into your home every time.
●   that many of the “Crew Maids” who are dispatched to their homes don’t speak English well enough to communicate with them when it’s important;
●○》 AND that the “Crew Maids” and Providers / Companies exhibit very poor communication overall; especially in regards to the client’s needs, specifications & scope-of-work required- which often wastes time & causes mistakes & causing cleaning duties to be left out. Thus, their client’s are frequently unable to establish trusting, personable & lasting business relationships with their Cleaning Providers/Companies AND the actual Maid(s).
■■ I speak English fluently; and pride myself on maintaining open & honest communications with my clients, as well as understanding their exact Cleaning specifications, requests & the scope-of-work required for each client’s Cleaning. All this allows me to build a trusting, comfortable & long-term professional relationship with my clients; and build them the custom-tailored cleaning services they deserve, expect and are paying for.
●● the ‘Crew Maids’ onsite have NO authority to make changes to a client’s Cleaning Service Plan or rate that they’re being charged regardless if there was a miscommunication issue on the original scope-of-work needed for the Cleaning Service, or if a client wants something specific cleaned.
■■ Because I’m the only one providing the Cleaning Services on client’s homes- there’s no miscommunication; and I establish a clear understanding of each client’s specific needs, the scope-of-work required, and how THE CLIENT prefers things done. If clients change their minds on what they want done or choose to add specialty cleaning duties- No problem! As an Independent Private Maid I have full authority to modify our Cleaning Service Plan & Rates if needed to accomodate any changes that best suits the client’s needs!
Some of the other differences between an Independent Private Maid and a “Conventional Cleaning Companies’ / Providers'” Dispatched “Crew Maids” are:
●● Dispatched “Crew Maids” are paid hourly and are scheduled to clean several homes PER DAY- making it in their best interest to get the job done quickly & move onto their next job. They have very little incentive to pay special attention to the fine details, perform a DEEP scrubbing or accommodate a client’s custom-tailored cleaning requests.
■■ Whereas, as an Independent Private Maid, I usually charge a flat rate rather than hourly, so I’m not limited to a set number of hours per job if a Cleaning Service ends up being more time consuming than originally expected. I CAN allote the time that’s needed to thoroughly perform the client’s Custom Cleaning the right way & satisfy any unique cleaning specifications the client’s may have.
★ For client’s searching for house cleaning services these foregoing complaints & differences are very important factors that should be considered. This is especially true for those that want a high-quality, detailed Cleaning Service that’s done right & custom-tailored with each client’s unique specifications in mind. This can even apply to clients that maybe don’t have specifications or are not picky about who comes in their home each time to clean it.
… and these complaints & differences are WHY an Independent Private Maid is the best choice!!
How Do I Know These Factors About The Common Business Practices of “Conventional Cleaning Companies / Providers’ ” and Their “Crew Maids??
Many years ago I began my Cleaning career working for 2 different & popular Chicago area cleaning & maid companies / providers as a dispatched “Crew Maid” and eventually as a Crew Chief and this was their common practice.
I believe that Cleaning Services should be done right, the way THE CLIENT requests and expects it- with a greater level of professionalism, dedication, patience & muscle behind the tasks or don’t bother doing it at all.
But as a “Crew Maid” I was prohibited from many things while onsite such as:
♦》 satisfying any custom
client cleaning requests,
♦》 a DEEP Cleaning of specific or certain
areas of the client’s home,
♦》 going over the pre-alloted time slots and
ranges per job,
♦》 modifying Cleaning Service Plans.
It wasn’t until 2001 when after much pressure from many of the clients I was servicing that I decided that clients deserved alot more then what they were receiving, ALL OF WHICH I KNEW I COULD PROVIDE and I COULD OFFER a better option to my employer’s clients.  So I began my own Independent Cleaning Service and took a bunch of their client’s business with me! Thus these clients became my 1st formal set of private & loyal clients. Today, I still clean the homes of many of those clients & a significant number of our new clients are acquired through a word-of-mouth referral through recent or current clients.  Since the beginning, this referral model has always been our best source of customer acquisition or any other forms of acquisition.


  《●     J.D.I. SERVICES, INC.    ●》


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