Why it’s Important for Your Home be Properly Cleaned on a Regular Basis


Regardless if you or someone in your household suffers from asthma and respiratory problems, extreme allergies, sensitivities or other medical issues it is extremely important to have your residence properly cleaned quite frequently.

See, many households ARE very likely to be unwittingly sharing their homes with some rather uninvited inhabitants that can cause some major health issues for it’s occupants, and guests alike. This is especially true for those with asthma and sensitive allergies. Household dust is in EVERY home to varying degrees; and that dust contains a mixture of many substances which differs from home to home dependent upon each home’s environmental surroundings and other variables and factors.

Depending on the home, the dust itself and hidden “dust bunnies” may contain a blend of many materials and substances including: pet dander, human skin particles, food particles, dust mites, bacterias, fabric fibers, pollen and mold spores, parts of cockroaches and other bugs, and other debris.  Although, dust mites, cockroaches, animal dander & mold spores are the most common substances within household dust that induces allergic reactions and potential medical emergencies for the inhabitants of the particular home; as well as their guests.

19000 dust mites image

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) and the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology there can be as much as 19,000 dust mites in one single GRAM of house dust, having an upwards of 500 LIVING within that one gram.  Each of the living mites has a lifespan of 30 days, and can produce almost 20 fragments of waste every day.  Although they cannot be seen; literally, hundreds of thousands of dust mites are likely to be living in your carpets, furnishings mattresses, bedding, curtains and ANY other upholsters and fabrics within your home and can cause big problems for those inhabiting– or even visiting the home.

Now imagine how many dust mites alone can be living within the 40 pounds of dust that an average 6 room home collects throughout the year?  That’s a whole lot of dust mites; and a pretty nasty thought.


But dust mites are not the only culprits accumulated within household dust that can irritate (or even cause) medical problems.  For asthma and allergy sufferers, the full bloom of the allergy and Spring season can be a brutal and potentially unhealthy time, as their living environments could be compromising their health and quality of life.
Seasonal and regional pollens, molds, organisms, and other irritating environmental debris likely accumulates within the living environment creating dust, and can quickly render a home inhabitable for certain occupants.

Dust and it’s contents aren’t the only substances that can cause serious health problems; a significant number of the cleaning products we use to keep our home clean and germ-free contain numerous chemicals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can be problematic for many household occupants.

Many households with loved ones with sensitive medical issues, allergies, chronic respiratory issues and other special needs take special measures to ensure their living environment are healthy.  One of them is ensuring that their homes are cleaned often, and are as free as possible of household dust.  There are also many households who’s occupants suffer from different medical issues preventing them from being able to physically perform the necessary tasks involved in a thorough house cleaning themselves.  These challenges make it difficult to maintain a clean and healthy living environment.  

In such situations it may be best to hire a trusted and reputable local Cleaning Professional with specific experience utilizing cleaning practices and low VOC products that meet the EPA’s Safer Choice Product Standards to handle your household’s cleaning tasks.  But remember, not ALL Cleaning Professonials and Services are alike; many providers are NOT knowledgeable in the use of low VOC’s ‘Safer Choice’ products, or products that DO NOT contain toxic & harsh chemicals. 

Additionally, many providers will NOT clean certain areas of the home, or will not accommodate special requests, or will NOT perform certain cleaning tasks that one would expect to be done in a cleaning service.

J.D.I. Services DOES accommodate special cleaning requests, and provides thorough Custom Cleaning service visits that are custom-tailored to EACH client’s specific cleaning needs and circumstances to help maintain a clean and healthy living environment.  Our Independent Cleaning Professionals have the ability to accommodate each client’s specific needs and medical recommendations, and can devote the time needed to clean their homes properly utilizing safe cleaning practices and any client preferred low VOC or Safer Choice product.  

With over 15 years experience in servicing unique residential properties; J.D.I. Services specializes in thoroughly cleaning homes and paying special attention to the areas that dust mites, pet hair and other substances accumulate.


To provide the most exclusive Custom Cleaning to our clients possible, we can build you an individualized cleaning service plan & flexible service schedule that integrates any preferred cleaning solutions, products and routines.

We proudly utilize many products that are eco-friendly, have reduced or no VOC’s, or meet ‘Safer Choice’ standards like Green Works® Free & Simple All Purpose Cleaning Solution made by the Clorox Company, or Bona Free & Simple ®Hardwood Floor Cleaner which is officially certified as asthma and allergy friendly by the AAFA to remove 93.3% of allergens from hardwood surfaces and is also GREENGUARD certified for safe, non-toxic use with children and in schools.

In addition, we offer several levels of Custom-Tailored Cleanings & Specialty Cleanings to meet your any of your cleaning needs.  We DO NOT use “cleaning short-cuts”, “tidy-up” or just “wipe-down things” in your home; a FULL custom-tailored cleaning each cleaning visit.  We offer customized service rates based on actual work needed/done, the client’s needs & other service factors.

Are you in the greater Chicagoland  area and looking for an experienced, high-quality Maid to provide cusom-tailored cleaning services on your home the way YOU WANT or NEED it done?  Or do you have specific cleaning requests that your current Maid isn’t willing to, or just simply cannot accommodate?  Contact US!


J.D.I. Services Proudly Has:

★   Verifiable client references.
★   A loyal Clientele base, with an 88% Word-of-Mouth new client referral rate.
★   Over 16 years industry experience professionally custom cleaning & servicing residential (& commercial) properties.
★   Scheduling Flexibility — Available from Monday to Sunday with daytime & nighttime availabilities.
★   A wide ranging local service area — We Service the metro Chicagoland areas  (the city of Chicago;  Cook & Du Page counties).
